
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Junk in the trunk sale and car show weekend July 13th

We had been counting down the days until the junk in the trunk sale and car show weekend. Last year we had great success in finding some records and other little treasures. A few friends decided to come along with us this time. I love spending time with others and enjoying activities together around town. This years junk sale was a lot bigger than years past. There were booths as far as the eye could see. Hot dogs, cold drinks and even a mobile cupcake truck were there! You had me at mobile cupcake truck. If I had it my way, I would have lied down in front of it and ate cupcakes until my stomach hurt. It was hard to contain myself.

We found a few items that were worthy of purchasing. One table that caught the husband's eye was full of movies. You know those people at Walmart that literally dive into the $5 DVD bin? Yeah...that's him. He feels as though he has to save them all. While he was looking at the selection, the best friend and I joined in. I had glanced up and saw a man stick a camera in the best friend's face and snap a picture. I thought it was highly rude for someone to do that and didn't hesitate to ask what he was doing. He replied that he works for the local newspaper and was taking photos of the event. Are you surprised that I then picked up some movies and did my best modeling pose? He snapped away and asked our names and where we were from. Clearly there were hundreds of people and he would never choose to use our pictures.

After we were done shopping, we went a few blocks down to check out the car show. This too was considerably bigger than years past.  We walked around until our feet hurt. Ate a donut from the local bakery and wandered at the antique shop. That's what I call a great weekend!

Oh and that guy that was taking our pictures? WE MADE IT IN THE PAPER!!! Autographs are available upon request.

Please disregard that we have the same last name. Everyone always assumes that we are a couple ;)


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