
Tuesday, January 22, 2013



1. To make something different. You can cause something to change, or you can bring change upon yourself.

Life is full of changes isn't it? These last few years have brought a lot of tribulations, and though sometimes it seemed impossible, I was triumphant and made it through. Here I am again in my life, facing the fear of change. I started the new year telling myself that I would not longer let other people's  words and actions affect me negatively. I can offer my advice to others, but cannot place it upon my shoulders if they do not accept that advice or put it to good use. The opinions of my family and the blatant lack of respect that they have for me, would be brushed off of my shoulders before I shed a tear. My marriage would be stronger than ever and I would learn to love myself. 

Why is it, that when I write those things down, I feel empowered and know that I am strong and can stick to those affirmations... but when I try to practice them in my every day life, I crumble and feel useless? 

The relationship, or lack there of, that I have with my mother is the worst that it has ever been. Miscommunication is a huge problem between us. We both have short fuses and seem to explode at the drop of a hat. Growing up with a single parent is all I have known. My mother has had to take upon the roll of both Mother and Father, providing for the household all on her own and never having a shoulder to lean on. We have been a team for so many years, only having each other. It hurts my heart, more than anyone could possibly understand that we no longer have that tight-nit relationship. I feel that it is beyond fixable at this point and I struggle to accept this. I need to realize that things have changed and that I cannot force her to love me. I know that until she gets my nephew out of her home, things will not change between us. I cannot even begin to put myself in her shoes, knowing that she feels uncomfortable in her own home. She needs to learn to stand up for herself and not let him use her like he is. I have to come to terms with the fact that this situation is out of my control and there is nothing that I can do to change it. He is continually stealing from her, pictures are now missing off of her wall and her intimate garments are being worn by his girlfriend. She is allowing this to happen by not standing up to him. I wish she could find the strength to stand up to others. It may not be easy sometimes, but it has to be done. I have learned this the hard way.    

One night, while watching the Eddie Murphy movie 1000 Words...everything had hit me like a ton of bricks. (A few drinks may have been involved, but that is besides the point) I miss my family! When I had gone to my brothers for gingerbread day, I actually had a really good time. I miss being able to go over there without having to have my guard up. I like visiting, eating and making things together while enjoying each other. It breaks my heart to think that we can no longer have visits like this on a regular basis. Our family has changed. Most of the time I feel like I no longer belong, I guess I just need to take the good times when I can get them. I need to learn to not let my feelings be hurt when I am not invited over and to brush hurtful comments off of my shoulders. I need to learn to take their insensitivities with a grain of salt. 

When it comes to the friendships that I have with others, I find myself confused. I find it harder to trust others and sometimes question their intentions. Does anyone realize how bad it feels to only be wanted when it is convenient for the other person?  I have never and would never treat someone like that. Either be my friend all the time, or not at all. I deserve more. I always put my whole heart into a friendship and find it baffling that others cannot do the same. Why is it so hard to make friends? Or to find friends that are genuine? Why is it even important for me to have friends? Why can I not just be content? Is it really that easy for others to turn the other cheek? Maybe they didn't care about our friendship as much as I did. I wish that I would have realized this from the beginning. I want to change my way of thinking. I wish I didn't care so much. Remember Melissa, it is their loss...not yours. 

Isn't it funny that a little six letter word can be so scary? We have been through so much change over the years. Some great and some out right terrifying. Things finally feel comfortable and the thought of change, scares me. The talk of having a child, is not an easy one. We go back and forth on the subject, mostly ending in disagreements. Deep in my heart, I want nothing more than to be a mom. I worry that the husband is not on the same page as me. Maybe he is just scared too? I don't want to go on this journey by myself. I want to do it together. I don't want us to grow apart. It has just been the two of us for twelve years. Would having a baby change our relationship? Would I have more love for the baby than my husband? What if I don't like being a mom? Am I capable? What if  we cannot conceive, would I be able to live with that? Would we grow apart or would we be closer than ever? Am I ready to take a tole on my body? Doctors appointments, needles and body aches? Would we feel complete? Would having our own family make us feel complete? Are we complete now? I just don't have the answers. Maybe nobody does? After not using any contraceptives for a little over a year now, we are taking the steps next month to increase our chances. It scares me that I don't know if I am ready. And it terrifies me that I want this more than anything and may not be in the cards for us. I don't want to make any changes in our lives, especially when I do not know what the outcome may be. Maybe we both need to just take a leap of faith and see what happens. I know for sure that I do not like not being in control. I wish that the husband would be more open, not leaving me to assume how he feels. I fear the day I see a positive sign that I will be the only one with a smile on my face. I fear that this will be a long/tough road for us and that he may have a sigh of relief if nothing comes from our trying. This should be a natural life step for us to be taking, why are we so torn? 

Maybe I am not meant to know all of the answers. 

Let go Melissa

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

In the 50's!

As I have stated in the past, weight loss has always been a struggle for me. I have been making a contentious effort to watch what I am eating  (smaller portions and buying "light" foods) and to be more active. My goal was to be in the 250 range before the first of the year. I did not make that goal, as the holidays were not kind to me. I had a hard time resisting all of the yummy foods and homemade goods! I weighed myself this past weekend and was delighted with the results...259!!! I made it into the 50's!!! Only a week late from my goal date, not too bad. I never thought that I would get myself into the 50's. My ultimate goal is to be around 200 pounds, 220 was my high school weight and I would be ok with that too. Funny to think that I strive to be the weight I was in school, when I thought that was fat back then! So I do not get overwhelmed and discouraged, I will now be setting smaller goals along the way. My goal right now is to lose nine more pounds to be the the 250 mark. I am happy with my eating habits at the moment, but need to work on the "being more active" part. Wish me luck!

P.s. I recently bought a pair of pants in the 18/20 size! I have  not worn this size since Kindergarten probably! However, I must admit that they are stretchy pajama pants from Walmart. Whatever, I still patted myself on the back. ;)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Top 12 in 12'

12- Going to the Museum of Flight
11- Going to the Museum of Glass
10- Finally getting to see the Gum Wall and Pike Place Market!

9- Going on the Seattle Great Wheel
8- Enjoying the beach
7- Supporting Heather
6- Going to the Kangaroo Farm
5- Meeting the Pioneer Woman!
4- Getting to see the daffodils and tulips in bloom
3- Spending quality time with the husband
2- Being able to contribute to the household
1- Learning to love myself again
This year was full of adventure! It was nice to be able to get out of my comfort zone and enjoy life. It will be my quest to do the same this next year. There were some hard times throughout the year but I am learning to let go of things that are not in my control. Life is short and I want to make the best of it. To those who do not wish to be a part of my life, it truly is your loss, not mine.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas 12'

Better late than never? I have been busy taking down all the decorations and getting the house "back to normal" before the new year. I like the feeling of having a fresh start before the first :)

I gave myself a big pat on the back for getting though the holiday season with ease. This is the first year that I had felt organized and prepared. I did not let my family get me down this year and even thought I had yet another "friend" show me their true colors, I just let it roll off my shoulders. I bought presents on a budget but still feel like I was able to spoil those closest to me. Shopping was done at the beginning of the month and I didn't have to wrap presents at the last minute. We even managed to squeeze in some fun time and baking throughout all the holiday chaos. I did not feel stressed for Christmas and hope to duplicate that for next year.

These were the Christmas treats we made this year. I made the same Rolo Pretzel Bites that we did last year except I added some Peppermint Kisses. I found these cute bags at Target in the dollar section! Three came in a pack, I thought they were the cutest little things ever. 

I went to gingerbread day at my brothers this year. I was hesitant going there as I normally do not feel welcome and there is bound to be some sort of drama. When I first arrived I had felt on edge a little, but it soon disappeared. I actually had a good time! There was no drama, we laughed, had a good time and ate our weight in candy.

After searching high and low, I found these babies at Walmart! They are super good, kind of taste like pumpkin pie though.
Watching Better off dead while decorating. Nothing better than some old 80's movies to put you in the holiday spirit!

This was supposed to be a guy from the Blue Man Group, but we thought it looked like Cookie Monster!
The weekend before Christmas, my mom came over to celebrate with us. She was going to be spending Christmas with my sister, so to avoid conflict, this was the best plan for us. It still kinda stings to know that we cannot celebrate the holidays together and that I feel shunned even though I have done nothing wrong. Instead of letting it bother me this year, I just made the best of it and was happy to at least be able to spend some time with my mom. We had a great breakfast, I made Cinnamon French Toast Bake (my apologizes for not taking pictures, it was absolutely outstanding by the way) and we opened presents. 
After my mom left we headed over to the best friends house to have Christmas with her and her family. It was our first time ever having deep fried turkey! It was so MOIST! I don't think I ever want to eat a normal turkey again after that. We played a few rounds of Apples to Apples Sour, opened presents, ate some yummy desserts and laughed until our stomachs hurt. Some crazy guy named Bruce had made an appearance, I hope he isn't invited next year!
By request of the best friend, I made my first pudding pie! It was actually really easy to make and tasted pretty good. I grated some truffles on top to add some texture and flavor. *Note to self, grease pan next time!*
I used the Kitchen Aid to mix the filling for my deviled eggs. I will be doing this from now on! It turned out so creamy!
Christmas Eve, I went to a friends house to enjoy a turkey dinner and good company while the husband was at work.

This looked so cozy, but I was too cold to go outside and enjoy it.

Unfortunately, I had a little bit of food poisoning for Christmas day but I got through it, managed to keep some food down and open presents. After all the planning and preparation that I had done throughout the month, it was disappointing to feel so crappy on actual Christmas day!

Santa brought me some cupcake panties! Yay!
The weekend after Christmas we headed to Target to get some Christmas stuff for next year. Everything was 50% off. I felt like they did not have as much stuff as they did last year but we still found a few treasures. Surprisingly, Walmart had the best deals and tons of stuff leftover! Overall, I have to say that Christmas was a success! I am glad that the new year is here and cannot wait to see what next year has in store for us :)