
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Summer Adventures on a Budget Part 2 August 3rd

Our second summer adventure had started with a nice game of Bingo. The weather was not great, so we decided to do something indoors. We do not play Bingo often, but do enjoy it. It takes a little over three hours for one game, my ADD starts to act up towards the end. It cost $36 for the both of us to play. The Bingo hall is located on the Indian reservation, so there is smoking allowed inside. Even though we happen to be smokers ourselves, it can get a little overwhelming. We made sure to get some drinks and snacks to have during the game. Nachos, soda and a slushy from the little cafe inside the Bingo hall: $10.

I have won twice playing Bingo in the past. The first time brought $26 because I had to split the winnings with a number of people. The second time brought $100! It would have been triple that, but again I had to split it with other winners. The husband had never won before. Just a few games in, he had Bingo! The excitement in his eyes was electrical. He said BINGO so loud that it echoed off the walls. Unfortunately, six other people won too. He ended up getting $29. I was SO proud of him! He felt on top of the world for finally winning.

I had to sneak this picture as you are not allowed to take photos in the Bingo hall. 
We continued on playing until we reached the final game. I had even contemplated leaving early as I was getting antsy in my chair.  The husband had pointed out to me that he only needed one more number to get Bingo again. Wouldn't you know that the next number called, was the one he needed! Someone else had called Bingo and everyone began to leave. We started waving our hands and even the guy behind us stood up and pointed our way. Finally someone had come over to verify his Bingo. We must have waited 20 minutes for someone to come back. I figured that he won another $20 or so, hey, he would be leaving with $50! Not bad. When the lady started walking towards us, I noticed a hundred dollar bill in he hand..he won $120?? She approached him and said, "Congratulations, you won $625!". I immediately jumped out of my chair and have her a hug. WE WERE RICH! We both were shaking and couldn't believe what had just happened. Someone else had won too, so it would have been over $1200 had he been the only winner. We still cannot believe that he won that much.

After Bingo, we went to Cabela's as the husband had never been there before. I like looking at the fish and clothes. He looked at all the other manly stuff. It was neat to see how in his element he was there, he was making friends left and right. $10 (I got a shirt)

Jimmy Johns was for dinner and then we headed on home for the night. $20

Normally we do not do much on Sundays besides chores and getting ready for the following week. However, with that money burning a hole in his pocket, he wanted to go do some shopping. I wasn't feeling well, but decided to tag along. We went to a used CD store as he was on the search for some Pink Floyd. Who knew that those were so hard to find? $30

On the way home, we stopped for some fish and chips and also grabbed a donut for afterwards. We were going for the healthy route that day. We stopped by the local marina to have our lunch. I love sitting by the water, enjoying a good meal together. It is one of my favorite things to do. $30

We spent a little more than we had planned for the weekend, but still came up positive in the end! AHEAD $518


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