Lesson/week 3 was about finding pretty light. The photographer loves shooting with natural light, as do I. She offered some great tips during this weeks lesson. I thought it was one of the most informative weeks. She said that the best times to take outdoor photos are during the "golden hour", which is 30 minutes after sunrise and 30 minutes before sunset. The lighting is soft during these times and allows you to capture great detail. She also recommends that you try using a reflector for achieving more light {It's on my wishlist!}. She also pointed out that it is important to start shooting in manual so that you can best manipulate your camera to do what you want. Make sure to turn off your flash while trying to capture natural light! As the stars aligned and offered me some free time during this week, the best friend and I decided to explore the outdoors together and bring our cameras along. We went to the beach, a cemetery and also the local Arboretum. I ended up taking over 300 photos, trying to capture the best natural light. I also tempted to shoot in manual. Below are the results. I clearly have a lot to learn still!
The left is manual and the right is automatic. Not a great picture to begin with, but you can tell that I still need to work on lighting. |
This is the photo that I submitted for class. I love the light and shadows that I captured. Her comment was: "Gorgeous!!! Love love love the detail here and great colors too!" |
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