
Friday, October 25, 2013

Fall Weekend October 5th

The husband and I love when October rolls around. It marks the beginning of our holiday shenanigans! We begin the month with a trip to our local pumpkin patch. Don't be fooled, we don't actually walk down into the fields in hopes of finding the perfect pumpkin. We dig through the boxes of pre-picked ones nears the entrance. Don't judge us. 

After washing off our pumpkins, we head to the store to purchase homemade pie and honey sticks. Our favorite part was lunch that included a hot dog, nachos, baked potato and slushy apple cider. Bring on the carbs! 

Once we got home, we got to work on decorating the house. We have a holiday closet full of all our decorating goodies. Towards the back of the closet are some boxes that we have neglected since moving. Considering that it has been four years since we have been in our home, we figured it was good time to unpack them. We found a lot of treasures, including my original Garbage Pail Kids cards collection! I love finding old things that you forgot you had. 

We made sure to take a break from decorating to order pizza for dinner. Papa John's has a new cookie that is to-die-for. You can add it to your order for only $5! I would rather order five of those than the actual pizza. The warm cookie added the perfect touch to our fall weekend. 

And now for the flooding of pictures from around the house after we decorated. 

The husband was not happy about hanging my bats. I sat comfortably from the coach and gave orders,
See? His hard work paid off!

The "boo" is from the dollar section at Target and the spiders were leftovers from a friend's Halloween themed baby shower. 
Those cute little pumpkins were under a dollar at Walmart and they even light up! The orange glass pumpkin is also from Walmart but took us three different stores to track it down. 
The best friend's parents gave us this electric heater/fireplace. We are not going to use it to heat the house, but the fire feature is cozy. We always wanted a fireplace!  
The front door. We used hot glue to attach a small piece of magnet to the back of plastic spiders. 
After looking all over for a wooden crate, I ended up finding one at Goodwill for eight dollars! 
This little guy was also a Walmart purchase ($15). If you haven't noticed, a Walmart just opened a few blocks from our house. I am loving all the deals that I have found for the holidays! 


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