
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Today, three years ago, we moved into our home! We were first time home buyers and had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. Word to the wise, do not EVER move on Halloween. Between people running all over the house trying to unpack trucks, the door bell rang every two seconds with kids wanting to get candy. Thank goodness I had bought candy ahead of time so that our new house didn't get egged! We just had new sod put in and it made me cringe seeing people walk on it. Now that same sod is covered in moss and weeds :) Things sure do change.

We were excited to have our own place and to make it a home. We did not know that being a homeowner means that your "to do" list is never done! It just keeps growing and growing. There is always something that we need to buy or fix. I would not change it for the world though. Walking in the door to our home always puts a smile on my face {except when I walk in to cat shit on the carpet}. Because we have lived here three years now, we are no longer liable to repay Obama's first time home buyers credit! Yay! So now the question is...are we going to stay here for many years to come? Or will we be finding somewhere else to call home? Time will tell.

"What I love most about my home is who I share it with."


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