
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October is my enemy

Please do not read any further if you do not want to hear me whine.

For those of you who think it may be entertaining...please continue.

By the powers vested in me, I officially announce the month of October to be renamed to fucktober. This has been the most overwhelming, exhausting month that I have ever had in my whole entire life. And it is only the sixteenth. Joke is on me.

The month started with us going on the free museum day, where I had apparently caught the plague. I don't even want to think about all the germs I may have come in contact with. I started with a little dash of strep throat followed by a nasty cold, add me not taking care of myself and that's how we got bronchitis. While battling a fever for days on end and feeling like I am constantly in the dessert with a sweater on, enjoying a nice dip in a hot tub. I was also coughing so hard that I would pee myself, in the middle of the grocery store, with snot running down my nose. I coughed things up that should be submitted to the Smithsonian and bought so much cough syrup that I am pretty sure the local drug store thinks I am making meth. *whine*

All while being sick, I still managed to celebrate our anniversary, help with my sister in law's birthday party and throw the best friend a surprise birthday party as well. *whine* Sometimes I think that I am super woman and can do it all, clearly I have learned that I am not super woman...that bitch is crazy.

The sister in law's birthday went well, although my crack head sister was there and made sure to make us feel uncomfortable. However, while being drugged up on cough medicine, I really didn't care! For the first time, I gave two shits what she thought about me. She is no one special! She doesn't pay my bills or sleep with me, she isn't the Pope and she didn't birth me, so what does it matter what her thoughts are about me? We definitely did not feel welcome at the party, I have no idea why I do things like this anymore. I don't know if it was the syrup or not, but this was the first time that I had this overwhelming feeling that I no longer care to please my family or do things to make them happy. It was probably the medicine, as there were also rainbows and unicorns in the room. Maybe I should take this stuff more often?

My first attempt at making center pieces! I really like how they turned out and super  affordable! I got all the supplies from the dollar store, came to about $6 per table. Got lots of compliments on them too!  

The best friends birthday was a TON of work, but totally paid off when I saw the look on her face. She had never had a birthday party before. EVER! I just wanted to do something nice for her and make her feel special. However, I am marking "party planner" off of my career list and may be contemplating the Jehovah Witness religion so that I no longer have to celebrate holidays. Who am I kidding, I could never give up Christmas or Halloween, but I am content being done with birthdays.

Made these for the best friends birthday! Again, all the supplies were from the dollar store. Under $3 per table!

This was her telling me that I was in big trouble for throwing her a birthday! Haha

Speaking of birthdays, we celebrated the cats birthday yesterday! We have had them for one year now. We let them have a whole can of wet food! We do not give them wet food very often and thought it would be fun to let them go to town on their birthday. I have never felt so blessed to have things in our home that shit and puke on the carpet, shed fur all over the place and eat my shoe laces. I think I still have some warming up to do with them. I catch myself leaving the door open longer than I should, in hopes that they will "accidentally" run away. <--- Kidding. Mostly.

This upcoming weekend is free. I have plans to not shower, clean or cook. I will lay on the couch with a blanket until the husband forces me to get up, probably because he won't take kindly to me peeing in a bucket. I do not want to move for a solid 48 hours. I am hoping that this will help to recoup myself and will take away this oh so lovely outlook that I have now. Oh! Speaking of positive, I started this thing on Facebook where I write five things everyday that "don't suck". You know, to remind me that not everything sucks.

1. Having leftovers so that I don't have to make dinner.
2. Wearing pajamas in the afternoon.
3. Lighting candles on a cold, windy night.
4. Pinterest.
5. Homemade apple pie.

If you have made it this far and are still reading, thank you for listening to my whinny blog post :) You, my friend, are a devoted follower!


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