I recently found some fun new goodies down the baking isle! It is called Duncan Hines Frosting Creations. You buy a can of frosting {side note: I don't necessarily think you HAVE to buy this certain frosting, it tasted like regular vanilla to me} and then you buy a packet of flavor. They had so many yummy ones to choose from. I chose Cinnamon Roll and Cherry Vanilla. Next time I am going to do the Orange Creme and Bubble Gum! It was really easy to make the frosting, the can has extra room on the top so you can stir in the flavor. If you end up buying the regular frosting instead, just throw it in a bowl or even your mixer, mixing the frosting with a blender makes the frosting more fluffier and easier to frost the cupcakes if you are using a bag. You're welcome for that tip ;) I poured in the flavor and stirred away.

The Cherry Vanilla was hands down our favorite! The Cinnamon Roll was good too though. I want to make it my goal to try every flavor packet they have. I think these would also make amazing filling. I used my "go to" yellow cake mix with no filling, didn't want to do anything too fancy that would take away from the frosting flavor.
Happy Cupcaking!
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