
Wednesday, November 2, 2011


November is here! It is a new month {Thank goodness! October was a very difficult month for us and we are ready for a new start!} everyone on Facebook is writing what they are thankful for, this made me think and only one thing came to mind. My husband...

October 23rd 2011 was the five year mark since our lives had changed forever.

My hand caresses your arm, running my fingers over the imperfections in your skin. The raised bumps where the staples had been are a constant reminder of what was once there. A scar is what is left to remind us how close your life came to ending that frightful day. When we are in the car I take notice to your hands gripping the steering wheel, your knuckles getting whiter the further we travel. It seems as though I can see your heart beating, bulging out of your chest...boom boom boom. You jerk the wheel every time a car comes too close or looks like they will not come to a stop fast enough. At night I take the time to watch the breath come out of your mouth as you sleep peacefully, for I know that I am blessed to have you next to me every night. How precious it is to have witnessed a miracle, every breath you take puts a smile on my face.

It has been five years since you were almost taken from me. We have made it through this horrible ordeal that had been thrown into our path. You are strong and amaze me at how one can overcome such obstacles. I am forever thankful for you. You inspire me to live every day to it's fullest potential. I am proud of you and the man you are. You can do hard things!

I love you.


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