
Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Last week me and the best friend had stopped by the local Haggen store. While we were at the checkout the lady was marking down some price tags to one dollar. We asked what was going to be on sale and she said some flowers! We walked outside to see what they looked like, the tulips caught our eye! The lady told us it would be perfect timing to plant them and that they would come up every year. So we did what any one else would have done...

filled the trunk.

I couldn't stand these pretty things sitting in the garage any longer, so over the weekend I planted them. I have no green thumb what-so-ever, but had the perfect place to put them. When we first moved in, there were three bushes by the front door, they ended up dying and we ripped them out. It has looked so bare and lonely since then. The tulips look perfect there! I wish I would have bought some more, but at least I can keep an eye out for a good deal and add to the area at a later time.

I think my thumb may have a hint of green now?


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