
Monday, May 6, 2013

Mouth full of aches

As I kid, I was great about going to the dentist and taking care of my teeth. My dad payed a lot of money to make sure that my teeth looked their best. Around age sixteen, my mother consulted the dentist about getting my wisdom teeth pulled before they became a problem. He responded that he was sure I would have plenty of room when they would eventually grow in and that he did not think I would need to have them pulled.

Fast forward thirteen years later (GASP) and just as long without dental insurance, my wisdom teeth are in full force and I have four cavities. My dad has got to be rolling over in his grave as I write that. He would be so disappointed in how I have cared for my teeth over the years. I mean don't get me wrong, I brush my teeth everyday and floss my teeth (not as often as I should).

I feel as though I am fighting a daily battle with my mouth. It feels as though I have a vise grip on my jaw at all hours of the day. If I dare eat something sweet (all the time) it feels as though I stabbed my mouth with an ice pick. When brushing my teeth, it looks as though someone has been massacred in my mouth. I could possibly die of blood loss one day. My teeth feel crowded as my wisdom teeth tear through my gums like a baby coming out of the birth canal. My wisdom (why are they called wisdom? There is NOTHING wise about them) teeth are now growing in sideways which feels even better on my aching jaw. The inside of my mouth looks like ground hamburger and to top it off, my tonsils are the size of small grapefruits. I can't win.

You would think that the pain in my mouth would stop me from wanting me to eat, giving me the best diet known to man. But I am positive that there is nothing that could ever stop me from eating. Not having dental insurance has stopped me from scheduling an appointment. I do not like the idea of maxing out my credit card for dental work. However, I will do so when I no longer have a choice and NEED to go in. I am afraid that time is coming soon. Did I mention that my husband also has cavities and aching wisdom teeth and he does not have dental insurance either?  Awesome. To be a kid again and not have to worry about our teeth! Where are the days when we got paid for our teeth falling out of our mouth? Now we are paying money to keep them in!

And for your enjoyment...


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