
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

New Tradition!

A few weeks ago I had gone to Value Village and saw something in the holiday section that I had been wanting to get for years! An advent calendar. I have never done a calendar but have always wanted to. I wanted one that was bigger than normal so I could fill the boxes with fun things! The one I found was $4.99 but some of doors did not have knobs, because the doors are magnetic you need a knob in order to open them. Off to the craft store I went. I found some wood circles that look like knobs and some gold paint {under six dollars for both items} because the wooden knobs I bought did not match the ones that were already on the calendar, I pulled them all off and replaced with the new ones I had boughten from the craft store, a little hot glue later and TADA! A brad new looking advent calendar. The sticker on the back said it was from Bed Bath and Beyond for $14.99. So I saved a good five dollars by finding it at the thrift store and fixing it myself. Not too bad!

Originally I was going to fill half of the boxes and have the husband do the other half, I was having so much fun that I filled them all except for five of them. I am a little controlling and like to do things myself. At least I gave him five...right? The boxes themselves are not very big, maybe two inches by two inches? It was hard to find things that would fit inside, next year I we will have more time to be more creative. I get the odd days and he gets to open the even days, we open one every day before he heads to work, we get really excited about it and the anticipation of what waits inside is always fun when we see the other person open the door. We are only seven days in so far {can you believe only seventeen days until Christmas?} we have had two peanut butter cups, a Reese's Christmas tree, a Lindor truffle, a few scratch tickets and today my box had four Kisses!

We are having a lot of fun with this calendar! I am so glad we started this new tradition and cannot wait to do it again next year. :) 


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