August is here and my emotions are all over the place! This week officially marks one year since we ended some toxic friendships. As much as I know that those decisions were made for the best, it is still hard to deal with at times. I second guess myself, wondering if I have made the right choices. I sometimes look at old pictures and miss the times we had together. What I hate more than anything is thinking I made a mistake. I know these friendships were ended for a reason, and to better our life. I just hope that it gets easier as more time goes by. Why is it so hard to find true, honest and caring friends? I thought that by now that my outlook on friends and trusting people would be different. Yet again it was proven to me that people are selfish, dishonest and do not put you as high on their priority list as they are on yours. I know that I am just approaching a bump in the road and that this too shall pass. Life sure has a funny way of making
sure we're exactly where we need to be. My twenties have sure proven to be a hard. Dare I say that I am ready to turn 30 and see what
good things life has in store for me?
On a lighter note, on this very day three years ago the husband proposed to me! We were at the ocean on vacation; I walked down to the beach while he was back at the cabin taking a nap. The sunset was beautiful, this is the last picture I took before the camera died.
August 9, 2009 |
I could have stared at the skyline forever. As I turned around to start my walk back to the cabin, there he was walking towards me with a nervous look on his face. He approached me and knelt down on his knee and proposed! This year will mark our two year wedding anniversary. I am so lucky to have met the man of my dreams. Being married has had its up and downs, but I wouldn't want to walk this adventure that we call life with anyone else. Love you babe!
October 10, 2010 |
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