I was not quite sure why I decided to jot down a timeline of the last few years, until I was done and it made me feel validated! I am not crazy! We have been through a lot. Looking at this all written on paper makes me feel like we can accomplish anything we set our mind to. Life sure does throw you lemons.
When the snowball started...
- September 2006
My first huge fight with my sister, changed our relationship and I didn't get to see the boys as often.
- October 2006
Husband gets into a near fatal car accident. Our lives change forever.
- December 2006
Husbands sister thinks car accident is not a "big deal" and that we are just money hungry. Have not spoken to her since.
- July 2007
File motion for lawsuit. Written down it looks like not much happened this year, the lawsuit took up most of our time.
- July 2008
Emergency surgery stemming from the accident, feel like we are starting at square one all over again.
- September 2008
Grandpa has a fall, followed by many heart attacks, surgeries and now he has dementia. Multiple trips to and from the hospital.
- February 2009
Lawsuit is over. 2 surgeries, 28 staples, 17 specialist appointments, PTSD, 1 deposition, 1 mediation, 2 physical evaluations and 151 filings with the court later. {Yes that says one hundred and fifty one, I looked it up on the court records, this made me very emotional. No one really understood how hard this was on us and the toll it took. We learned a lot from this experience but would never wish it upon our worst enemy.}
- May 2009
Start house shopping.
-June 2009
Start the building of our new home.
- October 2009
Moved into our new home!
- June 2010
Sister forges my name $15,000
- August 2010
Nephew gets stabbed, badly hurt. While taking care of him got into fight with my drunken sister, this will be the last time I speak to her.
- October 2010
Get married! Number gets blocked from the nephews. Upon arriving home from honeymoon Mom tells me she might have breast cancer, she then stops talking to me due to all the drama with the sister.
- April 2011
Mom starts talking to me again, we try to fix our relationship, this would prove hard and something we are still working on to this day. Informs me that after many testing it looks as though she does not have cancer, but has decided not to go back for more recommended testing due to not wanting to hear any bad news.
- June 2011
Miss my nephews high school graduation. First time it really hit me that things will never be the same.
- August 2011
Ended all friendships with negative people around us.
- October 2011
Brought home two cats.
- December 2011
Marks the second round of holidays I have not spent with my family. Did not hurt as much this year as it did before. Enjoying our new traditions.
What a whirl wind it has been! I look forward to adding to this list, but hoping it will be nothing but positive stuff this time!
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